Archive for the ‘Clockwork Phoenix’ Category


/ January 31st, 2016 / No Comments »

This past week, Publishers Weekly reviewed my new short story collection, The Spider Tapestries, and I feel like one lucky author, because whoever wrote the review seems to have understood my super-strange little book on every level. The gist of the review: “Elegant language and

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End of year summary 2015: a beautiful nightmare

/ December 30th, 2015 / 2 Comments »

So I drop in a heap at the end of 2015 feeling like I’ve packed several years’ worth of creative living into one. This ain’t the first time for that, but even judged my often hyper-busy standard this has been a barnstormer of a year,

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Not a Readercon report

/ July 29th, 2015 / No Comments »

Readercon was great, but as I’m in the midst of reading Clockwork Phoenix 5 submissions and starting on a novel revision, I’m not going to be able to provide any kind of detailed report.     I did not win the Shirley Jackson Award, though

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My Readercon schedule (is pretty sweet)

/ June 28th, 2015 / 1 Comment »

So I have my final Readercon schedule and it’s pretty awesome (I am going to be one busy, busy tiger) though it doesn’t cover things like the dual-book party Anita and I will throw to celebrate the launch of Bone Swans by C.S.E. Cooney and

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/ June 9th, 2015 / No Comments »

A nice surprise at the end of an arduous if triumphant May: my Shirley Jackson Award-nominated horror story collection Unseaming earned some kind words in the latest issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction from reviewer Paul di Filippo:   “Representing sixteen years of prose output from

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UNSEAMING is a Shirley Jackson Award finalist (and a CLOCKWORK PHOENIX 5 giveaway prize)

/ May 8th, 2015 / No Comments »

So this was always the plan—   Well, the idea that my short story collection Unseaming would be one of the rewards in a Kickstarter campaign for Clockwork Phoenix 5, that has been my plan for quite some time. Most every publishing project I tackled

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Publishers Weekly antics

/ November 24th, 2014 / No Comments »

My friend Michael M. Jones interviewed me for an impressive roundup article about how crowdfunding is changing the sf/f/h publishing landscape. The article, “Defying the Traditional Model: Crowdfunding in science fiction and fantasy,” appeared last week at Publishers Weekly, and contains quotes from a number

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Our World Fantasy Convention schedule

/ October 23rd, 2014 / No Comments »

Anita and I are gonna be at the World Fantasy Convention in D.C. in two weeks, and I have my schedule in hand. Both of my scheduled events are Friday, Nov. 7:   Poetry in Fantasy: Yesterday and Today Time: 11am-12pm, Nov. 7, Regency F

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On strangeness: my guest post at Locus Online

/ September 22nd, 2014 / No Comments »

A whole lot of cool things happened last week, and thanks to that wonderful combination of too busy and too tired, I didn’t get to do much more about them then chirp enthusiastically on Twitter. Thus this week will bring a series of blog posts

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A new interview with me at the Interstitial Arts Foundation

/ August 11th, 2014 / No Comments »

There’s a new interview with me posted at the Interstitial Arts Foundation blog. (You can tell it was conducted before the latest issue of Mythic Delirium came out, but that’s okay.) In said interview, I talk about what crowdfunding can mean for hard-to-classify art projects:

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